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Recently, in some italian bars were found a sugar packets that carry a racist joke, offensive and disrespectful about the tragedy of the Shoah and the Holocaust.
Probably that packets were delivered in many bars in the central and northern Italy.
The citizens of Scandiano (Reggio Emilia) noticed that first, so they were outraged with the bartender and wrote a letter of protest addressed to the company making the distribution.
The company said not to have noticed these packets because they were mixed with many other packets containing different jokes, so sent back all the parcels to the producer, a small craft company.
The producer withdrew all the packets indicted and apologized for the unfortunate mistake, stating that it had never intended to harm the dignity of anyone and to be absolutely opposed to any form of violence.
Now the joke is no longer printed, but will remain difficult to collect all the packets on the market, for some time they will continue to circulate in bars.

On the occasion of Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Team of Sugar Collection want to reflect on the fact that nobody is allowed to laugh or trivialize the horror, even through a simple sugar packet.