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The SugarCollection Team is proud to post this simple and nice recipe sent by Wikizero.

Colored sugar cubes

I suggest to all collectors, a fun recipe to make homemade sugar cubes of different shapes and colors, with decorations and, for the more adventurous, keep them in alcohol.
The recipe is fast and simple, the preparation time is estimated at about 10 minutes, plus a couple of days off.

Material and ingredients:
-    White sugar (preferably superfine);
-    Water;
-    To coloring or flavoring the cubes you can use food coloring or natural flavorings (coffee, mint, orange juice, etc.).
-    Molds of various shapes (such as for ice or cookies);
-    If you want to apply decorations, you need also a little sugar icing.
For cubes in alcohol:
- Ethyl alcohol 95° C;
- Choice of flavoring (mint, basil, lemon peel, pepper, etc.).

Pour sugar into a bowl and add a few drops of food coloring (if the food coloring is in powder form, dilute with water). Mix well with a spoon to smooth the color (if necessary add more food coloring or sugar). Add very little water at a time to wet sugar, until, stirring, you get a grainy effect.
Dampen just the inner sides of the molds and put the sugar, pressing very well, with great patience!

Leave to dry the molds outdoors (preferably in the sun) for at least two days. To speed up you can put on a radiator or oven to 60° C for about 30 minutes. To test if ready, extract a cube and make sure it’s dry, compact and does not crumble.

Now you can apply decorations on cubes using, as glue, a bit of icing, made with powdered sugar and a few drops of water.

To achieve an optimum "digester", you can put the cubes in alcohol.
Just put the cubes in a glass jar together with a flavoring and fill the jar with ethyl alcohol to cover the cubes. Let the jar sealed for at least a week. If you want to replace ethyl alcohol with other spirits, remember that the sugar cubes dissolves themselves in any liquid below 90° C.

Be careful not to drive after tasting it, because they are very strong!